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Ted Henry: Sai Ram Sreejith!
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Introduction: Welcome
to Souljourns and the story behind the popular book ‘Sai Thy Kingdom Come’
whether you are a sceptic or open to the book’s premise, this account as told
by Sreejith Narayan is both intriguing and a revelation for many. This
interview was recorded in Dayton New Jersey in the summer of 2013.
Ted Henry: Sai Ram Sreejith!
Sreejith Narayan: Sai Ram!
Ted Henry: What a
great episode that we are talking about a book that Jody and I learned about a
long time ago……but before we get to that…it’s very important that we get there
but it is also very important to set the stage. How and when did you become a
follower of Holy Man Sri Sathya Sai Baba?
Sreejith Narayan: It was in the early nineties. My father first
came to Swami’s fold and I remember he brought a glass framed picture of Bhagawan
to our house and there was an argument with my mother. She didn’t like the
picture to be brought in and put in along with other Gods in the house…so she
resisted. After sometime the picture broke…shattered as if somebody took a
hammer and banged at it. So my mom got scared, she felt Oh, Sathya Sai Baba has
some powers I should not mess with him! So she let eventually let my father
keep the picture along with other Gods
in the prayer room. But I was a sceptic. I was in college at that time… none of
my friends believed in Swami and they used to make fun of anybody who believed
in Swami. So I didn’t want to have anything to do with Bhagawan. But when my
parents went to Puttaparthi, I had to go…they didn’t give me a choice, so I had
to go with them. Then I was sitting in the darshan line, Swami came, we were in
the first row. As soon as I saw Him and the way He was walking towards us and His
face…I knew that Swami was Divine. I don’t know why…I mean it’s just that
magnetic pull. When He calls there is no resisting really. That is what my
experience was.
Ted Henry: Let me
just interrupt you here because a lot of people say just like you do and others
just like myself take very slow sometimes even tedious route to understand the
magnitude of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, What do you suppose accounted for your almost
instantaneous drawing at that conclusion.
Sreejith Narayan: I don’t know the answer to that
but I think it depends upon the way the Guru and the disciple…the guru responds
to the disciple and the disciple responds back. Each person has His own path.
And that is the result of what we have learnt in the past lives and the present
life. I felt as if I was meant to be there and I had a previous relationship
with Him and when He came you know…I was so fortunate to get Padanamskar. As
soon as I touched Swami’s lotus feet I was overwhelmed with joy. It was like
divine vibrations I felt and I hear that so many devotees feel the same way
when they first touch Swami’s lotus feet. From that point onwards I didn’t have
to look back. I was…I completely fell for Him and I came back home and started
reading Swami’s books. Whatever I could get my hands on, His discourses, vahini
series, experiences by other devotees and eventually I started getting Swami’s
dreams. I used to have questions and
Swami used to come in the dreams and answer them….even small small things like
spiritual things and how to get rid of your ego. That’s a big thing for me
really but in small ways He was teaching me, even how not to quarrel, how to be
quiet in such situations, many things I don’t even many of these
Ted Henry: Did you
go to see Him very many times before His Mahasamadhi?
Sreejith Narayan: Yes, I used to go like at least
every year. At least when I was in India I used to go like whenever there was
an opportunity but when I moved to United States in 1997 I used to go like once
in two years may be. So these dreams continued for a while and He was
establishing my faith in Him slowly and slowly. And after a while dreams
stopped because Bhagawan said…probably He thought that that was enough and I
was in the right path. From that time onwards only life lessons and occasional
dreams like that.
Ted Henry: …
know how people arrive at Baba’s doorstep but people when they hear these
stories they would like to know something about the person too…So a little bit
about your background. You are in America, your family, your job, your children
and you major ones in your life.
Sreejith Narayan: Sure, I am originally from
Kerala in South India. I moved to United States. I am a software engineer, so
on job I moved to United States in 97. I am living here in Dayton New Jersey
with my wife Suma and two children. My elder one her name is Sneha, my younger
one is a boy his name is Sharan. As I said I am a software engineer. I partner
a software consulting and development firm based in New Jersey and having
offices in United States and India. So basically doing software related work.
Ted Henry: Well, I
think it’s about time Sreejith that you talk a little bit about the major non-commercial
work of your life up until this point.
Tell us what its more you would be achieving but I know like all of us you are
devastated at Baba’s passing from His physical form, His Mahasamadhi what was
it that lead to your pursuit of the subject that’s discussed expertly because
of all the research entailed in this wonderful book that’s been available to
Sai devotees for a long time and called ‘Sai Thy Kingdom come’, a deliberation
on the possibility of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s return and in His literal return in
His physical form.
Sreejith Narayan: Literal return in the same
physical form as Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Ted Henry: Where
on earth did this thought to you come from?
Sreejith Narayan: It’s a short question but a
long answer. See I have to start from the time when Swami left His body. That
night I had a terrible experience and it was 24th April night. I was
in deep sleep when I got a call from a Sai Brother to convey the news that
Swami has left His body. And the shock of waking up from sleep and listening to
this was irresistible. I felt I was palpitating and going into a heart attack.
Such intense it was and as it was happening I immediately felt somebody patting
on my right shoulder (like this) as if to console me. So I was thinking it was
my wife Suma. So I turned around and she was just sitting like this… head bent…on
the other end of the bed. Immediately I realised that it was Swami and I felt
Swami’s presence in the room. Immediately I calmed down and it was an
overwhelming presence such that it saved me from that terrible situation.
Ted Henry: You
said you had been in a deep sleep when your friend called, you are quite sure
you didn’t think its an illusion …………..
Sreejith Narayan: This was not an illusion
because I was thinking that it was my wife, so I am not expecting Swami pat on
my shoulders. I was expecting it was my wife so I was in complete senses at
that time.
Ted Henry: and how
long did it last?
Sreejith Narayan: It lasted like a few seconds,
may be two or three seconds that’s it…but it was so powerful.
Ted Henry: Unmistakable?
Sreejith Narayan: Unmistakable…
Ted Henry: and
what makes you think it was Swami?
Sreejith Narayan: because there was no one else
there… but at that time I needed that because it was an intense moment for me
and I never really felt sad after that…that Bhagawan left His body. But
something in the corner of my heart was bothering me and I set out to find out what
it was. This was bothering me so much that I couldn’t do any other thing else.
I wanted to find out so I started asking myself these questions… that may be
because Bhagawan was in the hospital for so long and His body went through all
these different things and He must have been in pain…that’s why I am bothered.
But then again answer came from within saying that ‘No, Bhagawan is above body
consciousness, He doesn’t feel the pain because He is not His body’, so that
was not what was bothering me. Then I thought that because I will miss His form
because I will not be able to have His darshan again…then again I thought…see I
go to Puttaparthi for like once in two or three years. I am there for three
days, recharge my batteries and come back. When I miss His form I watch His beautiful
videos which I can do it even now. Of course who wouldn’t want to have Swami’s
darshan again but that was not the thing that was bothering me. And finally I
found out what it was. Because when I came to Swami I started reading Bhagawan’s
so many books, discourses and teachings everything…and I used to be overwhelmed
with joy reading about the glorious time that is awaiting us in the Sathya Sai
Avatar. Swami’s own words. And how Swami would bring about the Golden
age, the world would be peaceful. All that would happen in the Sathya Sai
Avatar while He was still in His form and I prayed for such a thing to happen.
I wanted the whole world to have the same experience that I had. I know I
transformed only because I came to Bhagawan and I wanted that same opportunity
for everyone else in this world and that has been my constant prayers till now.
Each day I would include that in my prayers and when Bhagawan left a thought
overwhelmed me saying that what will happen to all those things that Bhagawan
said. How will the world get the same opportunity again and immediately (I am
getting goose bumps) I heard this inner voice and the inner voice said “My word
will never fail, I am truth, whatever I say becomes truth, why do you worry?
Whatever I said will happen exactly the way I said it”, Along those lines I
heard this…and at that moment I came to peace with myself and I never had this
thought again because I knew Bhagawan was in control…there is nothing that we
need to worry about. But I had to go back and read those statements again
because I felt like getting back those joyous moments. And as I read through
those words, I came to the understanding that some of the things could happen
only when He would return in the same form. Because He said He would do it
while He was in His still in His form and body. And Bhagawan’s words will never
fail..I am completely confident on that, I have hundred per cent faith in that.
And if Bhagawan’s words will never fail and if He has to so all that while He was
still in His body, the obvious thing that would happen is that Bhagawan would
be returning in the same form as Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Yet it remained as a
personal conviction, secret conviction I would say. I wouldn’t say this out to
anybody because nobody would accept this as a fact. I talked to only like a few
close people that I had and I never did think of writing a book or anything
like that. In 2012 January, towards the end of January, I suddenly had the urge
to put together an article and the article was about why I believe Swami was
not speaking in Lunar years. Because at that time it was an accepted fact all
over the Sai world that Swami was speaking in Lunar years…even official circles
announced. First I heard about it I thought okay, it’s interesting but I
immediately knew that Bhagawan wouldn’t talk about in some vague language like
that. Because Bhagawan is universal avatar. He wouldn’t talk about His lifetime
in some calendar that is not used universally. But I had to see it for myself.
So I went and saw Bhagawan’s words which convinced me that He was not speaking
in lunar years. So I started writing out my thoughts on that and one thing led
to the other, one thing led to the other, I felt Swami was…Swami’s unseen hands
guiding me and before I knew that I had a book material in my hands. It was not
an article anymore. I had to call it a book and I had to publish it.
Ted Henry: But you
didn’t stop with just Swami’ words did you? You obtained and researched and
checked and double or triple checked the veracity of many other people’s words
about the same thing.
Sreejith Narayan: Exactly! So mainly …As I said
that the point I wanted to raise when I started the article was that we don’t
have to defend Bhagawan’s words. If it is clear to us that Bhagawan’s words
have not come true yet, instead of believing that you know …doing a vague
interpretation of Swami’s words to make it look like it has already happened…Instead
of that, believe in the certainty of His words. That’s what the message I wanted
to convey with that article. Because we don’t have to defend Bhagawan’s words.
I mean He is God and when God says something it just happens. And so I also
thought that who are we defending and against whom? Because the whole world is
Swami’s mansion and all are His devotees even though they know it or not. I
started writing along these lines and what I saw in Bhagawan’s words…Hhe never
said the whole number of years that He would be in His body. In 1960, He said “I
would be in My body for 59 years more” and in 61 He said 58 years more and in
76 He said 46 years more. So if we look at the lunar years that is 27 days a
month calendar 59 would not come out to 2011, it is much later than that. Even
58 or 46 for that matter. So it was clear to me that Bhagawan was not speaking
in lunar years.
Ted Henry: So in
other words you believe wholeheartedly He intended all along as He sort of
verified to you with different years that He meant by the Universal yearly
standards to the age of 96…
Sreejith Narayan: Well, there is a catch
there….So, earlier like before Swami left, long time ago I read like Swami saying that I
would be in My form or body for 94 years then sometimes Swami would say 96
years. So I would ask Swami…can you stick on to at least one year…whether it is
94 or 96. Please tell us. Jokingly I used to tell Swami in my own mind. And
some books took the middle ground and said 95 but Swami never said 95. So it
was going on and I knew that there’s some catch there because Swami doesn’t
make mistakes and He was deliberately playing with us, deliberately creating
this confusion. But I left it at that because I knew that we are going to find
out one day. So when I started writing this article, then I had to go back and
see this statements by Bhagawan that He had mentioned about His Earthly
sojourn. And I saw that whenever Swami mentioned 94 He said “I will be in My form
or body for that many years” whenever He said 96 He said , “I will live till 96
years..age”. So I kept on thinking how can someone live till the age of 96 yet
be in His body or form for only 94 years. Only Bhagawan can do that! How? Just
disappear for couple of years in between, come back and finish till 96 years. And
it immediately did strike me and said this is what Bhagawan is telling us
because none of Bhagawan’s words are in vain, are taken in vain. Everything has
a meaning deep meaning…only if we want to try and find out. So 94 to 96 is
actually three years because from beginning of 94…94, 95 and 96…three years.
That’s why I put in the book that possible date of Bhagawan’s reappearance in
the same form would be some time in 2014 or before. But only Bhagawan knows.
This is just what He inspired me at that time and I had to put that in the
book. But then as I was having discussions with some devotees, they said ‘So
what? Bhagawan can change His plans and leave His body any time, you know He can
change His plans. But to me that’s the most absurd thing because Avatars don’t
change their plan. There is no reason or there is no force in the earth that
would make Bhagawan change His plan. Bhagawan once said, “every step in the
career of this avatar is already pre-determined’. He probably already chose the
little grain of sand that He would step on, such is Swami’s plan. It’s really,
it’s not in our wisdom that we should say something like Bhagawan would change
His plans. And I had to put the words where Bhagawan himself says that He would
never change His plans no matter what happens. His mission will go on exactly
the way it was planned. And when Swami said 96 or 94, at that time Bhagawan
would have already known what is going to happen in the future and would have
said that instead of saying 96 or 94. So that was one of the chapters that I
had put. Then came various words of Bhagawan that in future such and such He would
do. Like Golden age for example like Bhagawan said that by the time Prema Sai
comes the world would be peaceful. Swami himself says that Sathya Sai avatar
would himself bring about the Golden age and Prema Sai would sustain the Golden
age. So those things are yet to happen and many glorious things that Bhagawan
said are yet to happen in Sathya Sai Avatar. So, I had to dedicate a chapter
for that. Then as you were asking that some of the clues and some of the
materials that I had put in like the nadis for example. See, I am a great
believer in the Nadi readings. Nadis are sacred palm leaves text written by
sages of ancient India thousands of years ago and it outlines the career, the
characteristics, the family history, spiritual life of many individuals who are
believed to come and read those nadis at a particular time. Bhagawan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba’s avataric career is also mentioned in the Nadi and this I have read
long time ago in certain books and it also came in Sanathana Sarathi. So I was
interested in Nadis and in 97-98 time frame I went and saw my Nadi. It clearly
said all the different things about myself, my parents, their names, my career,
my education all the things that had happened till now and then it also said
many things about my future about how my marriage would be, that I would have
two children, one boy, one girl. So everything that was said in the Nadis has
happened exactly the way it was said. It also talks about my Guru Sri Sathya
Sai Baba who would be the avatar of Shiva and Shakti and one particular thing
that I would like to mention is that…You would write books about your Guru Sri
Sathya Sai baba and in that book it says you will write about the greatness of
Ted Henry: hmm….and
you have!
Sreejith Narayan: I had a book in mind and I got
Swami’s blessings in 97 before I moved to USA to write a book. But I had a
different theme in my mind. I had collected so many quotes and different
materials for that book. Yet for fifteen years I could not do anything with
that. And in that book I was thinking how I am going to do the chapter in Nadis
because it had nothing to do with nadis or anything of that sort. When this
book was being written also there was no plans or anything like that. But
towards the mid of February I received this book, ‘Sacred Nadi readings’ by Sri
Vasantha Sai in Madurai. Sri Vasantha Sai is an elevated soul, divine soul. She
lives in her ashram in Madurai and when Swami left His body she wanted to find
out what is written in Nadis about Swami’s disappearance and she sent one of
her associates to Vaitheeshwaran temple, it’s a temple in South India in Tamil
Nadu where the nadis are preserved. So what was written in those Nadis is very
mind boggling. It says that Swami is going to come back in the same form as Sri
Sathya Sai Baba. It also says Bhagawan will return in a younger looking form
and will remain on this Earth for seven more years after His reappearance. Many
changes will happen in this Earth during that time frame and Bhagawan’s mission
will be completed in those seven years before Prema Sai comes.
Ted Henry: Do you
know what the book says or in your own imagination have you given much thought
and have you come to any conclusions as why Baba obviously thought it necessary
to leave the world for a couple of years.
Sreejith Narayan: Yes, and this is all part of
Swami’s plan and as I told you this 94-96 play that He played. And He also said
to some devotees and this I came to know..say a few months ago. That Swami said
to a few close devotees that even though My avataric career will be for 96
years, I will be available for only 94 years. And He also said to some others
that “there will be a time when I won’t be giving darshan for few years”. So
obviously none of the devotees who heard that thought that it was this way...that
Bhagawan leaving His body would be the way…that He would be not giving His darshan
or not available per se. And this is all part of Bhagawan’s plan and we should
also understand tha..and this I have put in the book as well…that Bhagawan was
absorbing the world’s karma and by leaving His body He absorbed the karma with
every cell in His body and then blasted it. That is the only way the golden age
can happen…because if we look at it…world has absorbed so much karma and there
are billions of people in this world. We are not even deserving the Golden age.
The only way we can deserve it is from the Grace of the Lord and the Grace of
the lord has to come only if the karma can be removed.
Ted Henry: Well,
some of the people who hear what you are saying still suffer or correct for all
I know because I am as curious as anybody else…is about what really is going on
here…where Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai…all forecast the emergence of Prema Sai. And
some people say that now Sathya Sai absence on the physical form, next on the
horizon will be Prema Sai. Aand I am wondering what do you say to people who
come back to you and say Sreejith everything you say I believe…but it sounds
like you are talking about Prema Sai, not Sathya Sai.
Sreejith Narayan: See I believe in Bhagawan
coming in the same form just because Swami has said so many things He would do
in the Sathya Sai Avatar. So to me..the question I would like to ask is what
guarantee is there that He would even be back as Prema Sai? He could have changed His mind on that too! So
my point is, if we are not ready to fully believe what Swami said about His present
avatar, how are we going to believe in what He said about His future avatar? We
cannot have both. We either we have to have full faith in all of His words or
we should not believe in them at all!
Ted Henry: Of
course there is always another perspective called the middle ground. Could
there possibly be in your estimation an overlap of physical presence of both
Sathya Sai and Prema Sai?
Sreejith Narayan: Yes, that I have thought and
some divine souls have expressed this possibility as well. It is our own
limitation that makes us think that Sathya Sai has to stop and then Prema Sai has
to begin. Bhagawan has no such limitations so it could…..anything can happen at
this point….I agree with you totally. Because Bhagawan can do anything and we
should believe that Bhagawan can do anything…and this is a possibility.
Ted Henry: Sreejith
you said that you wrote this book after it became crystal clear in your mind
that you had to follow through what your inner voice is guiding you to do. Did
you give much thought then and do you give much thought now to what I am just
going to guess is an opposing view point about this. In other words you are
aware that the controversy surrounding such a premise, such a thesis as
yours…some people have the view point that we have heard everything from Baba’s
own lips and why isn’t that sufficient and why do we have to believe, why can’t
we be satisfied with that much that Baba was here in the physical form with
us….why should we feel even in our arrogance some might suggest that He is
going to return to finish His conversation with us. You probably have already
to do deal with this. How do you respond to such criticism why should there be
a need for Him to return.
Sreejith Narayan: Yes, I have encountered these
criticisms a lot, even though I don’t pay much attention, just for the sake of
this interview I would like to express some of my views. So..even the people
close to me…because I have been, had been an advocate or proponent of the view
that we have to go beyond Swami’s form, even much before Bhagawan left His body.
So, somebody like, some close people may imply come out of all people
you are writing about Bhagawan’s return in the same form? And I tell them it
has nothing to do with formlessness, it has nothing to do with my personal
Sadhana. This is all about how Bhagawan’s words will come true. Even from the
point of Swami’s Avatar declaration, countless times Swami has asked devotees that they have to go beyond
Swami’ form. So I don’t feel that just because Bhagawan left that we “now” have
a reason that we should go beyond Swami’s form. We should have been doing that
all the way along. And even when Swami comes back, that should be our focus…we
should still try and see Swami beyond His form and realize that Swami is in
each and every one in this world. At the same time the book theme or thesis is
about Bhagawan’s words coming true. I will give you an example…so, I don’t
believe right now that Bhagawan would come in His physical form to my home
because I know this is not probably, is not a possibility. But if Bhagawan
tells me Sreejith, “I am going to come to your house in My physical form”… at
that time I will start yearning for it. Because Bhagawan said so and I know it
will happen. Like that, I yearn for those things to happen only because Bhagawan
said so, it’s not my wish or my wishful thinking. Bhagawan said so and I know
for sure, I am confident those things will happen. Why should I worry about it?
In 65th birthday Swami said, “next year I will inaugurate a super
specialty in Puttaparthi”, so it’s obvious that He has to build the hospital
first to inaugurate it. So some things would go without saying. He doesn’t have
to specifically say I have to go I have to build the hospital first. The same
way many of Swami’s words should go without saying that those things will
happen only when Swami is there in the physical form and that is the basis of
this book. And it has nothing to do with formlessness and even when Swami comes
back…”there will be no place to stand even”, Swami says. So what is the point
in going there and having Swami’s darshan. See, if somebody really wants to
have Swami’s darshan and that’s why they are yearning for Swami’s return, there
is another way to do it. Because Bhagawan said once, if you concentrate intensely
on me for eleven seconds I will manifest in front of you...Bhagawan said this.
This is something that we have in our hands, even though it is so difficult to
do it. But still it is something that Bhagawan gave us. It’s in our hands to do
it. So such devotees who really yearn for His form ,we can try and do that as a
Sadhana. But Bhagawan’s return, at least in my mind, is not so that we can have
His physical darshan again. Because it will be near to impossible anyways! The
whole world will know …will be trying to make up for their lost time to
catch up…because so much of time they lost that they could have been with
avatar. In such situations, we should never really focus on Bhagawan’s physical
form but at the same time it’s an understanding. When Bhagawan says something
we did not ask why Bhagawan is saying all those things is going to happen. We
did not ask why. So even now we should not ask why that He should return. It’s
not a Why at all.
Ted Henry: This is
really your thesis, you are the author of this book but I never thought until a
second ago of asking. Sreejith, do you personally believe He is going to return
in the physical form soon?
Sreejith Narayan: Absolutely!
Ted Henry: And do
you know where He might return? Here we are in Dayton New Jersey a hamlet of a
couple of thousand people, not too far from the Jersey shore. Might it be here,
might it be Puttaparthi, might it be Timbaktu? Any idea where He is going to
Sreejith Narayan: From various things that Bhagawan
has said and Bhagawan has indicated to some great souls, I believe that it
would be in Puttaparthi but whole world is His mansion. You never know. I would
like to mention some things like Dr. Hanumanthappa….late Dr. Hanumanthappa was
the vice chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai university. He used to have so many
dreams about Bhagawan and He wrote a book based on Bhagawan’s dreams. The
book’s name is ‘Sri Sathya Sai baba a Yugavatar’ and in one of the chapters it
says ‘Future vision of Puttaparthi’ or something like that. And in that He clearly
gives a description of a dream Bhagawan gave him and He shows how the future
Puttaparthi would look like. And Bhagawan has changed His residence to a huge
mansion on top of a hill and the hill is guarded by soldiers and Puttaparthi is
a vibrant town and there are colonies built all around Puttaparthi from
different countries. And Bhagawan would come out and give darshan. He would
come out as He would travel on a bridge over Chitravathi river. It’s an amazing
chapter you know. So, and after Swami left His body with Bhagawan’s grace I
have been in touch…and because of the book… I have been in touch with great
souls, Sai devotees from all over the world. They have been getting dreams,
visions, Swami is even coming to them and giving them indication about His return.
And from those sources, I believe that glorious times are awaiting us and Puttaparthi
would be a centre of all this action. That’s what I believe.
Ted Henry: Some
people, quite a few people who step along with you about this feeling that Sai
baba’s going to return in this form have suggested it might be six days, six
weeks, six months or a year after He left His physical form as I sit here now I
think tomorrow is the first of July we are already more than half way through
2013 do you have any idea when He might return and are you disappointed that it
has not happened yet.
Sreejith Narayan: The answer is no, I am not
disappointed. And about your question like “when” …I do not know. The book was
based on Swami’s words alone and that words make me believe that…because of
this indication that He has given in His own discourse… that it will be
sometime in 2014 or earlier anytime from now till end of 2014.
Ted Henry: So I
think that’s a year and a half. A couple of quick questions from people who
always want to know about this..because lots of people are right in the middle
of the spectrum and they might say what about the ……that this possibly could cloud
people’s devotion to Baba. Whether they should focus more on baba’s form in
Puttaparthi or wherever if He returns one day. Or search within finding Baba
there more, can you see how this could bring to some conclusion …
Sreejith Narayan: Many people have written to me
after reading the book that this book restored their faith. Some people have approached
in a different way so each person perceives the book in a different way. But my
message in the book was not to go after Swami’s form again and …Can I tell one
story, a miracle that happened with the book?
Ted Henry: Sure.
Sreejith Narayan: After a few months after writing the book, the
book was only available as an e-book and printed version was not out yet. And I
received an email from a devotee named Ben who lives close to London. And in
the email he says I would like to have a printed version of this book and would
you be able to tell me where I could get the book. So I wrote to him saying
that the published version is not available yet. I would let you know when it
eventually gets published. And he thanked me and we left it at that. And when
the book was published, then I wrote to him saying that the book is available
in so and so place. And then he wrote to me an e mail about the dramatic
circumstances that he had encountered which led him to know about the book. In
the email he said in one of the satsangs in London…and in the satsang there was
a lady speaker, she had held many high positions in the Sai organization and
she was speaking about how she came to Bhagawan and Bhagawan helped her in many
ways. And when Bhagawan left, her faith was shaken and she cried and cried and
she prayed to Bhagawan, “What is going on, you said you will live till 96 years,
give me a sign. And Bhagawan came in her dream and said “Have faith everything
that I said will happen exactly how I have said it” and Bhagawan also revealed
her some of the details. Few days later she receives the copy of the book ‘Sai
Thy Kingdom come’ and there was no postal mark there is no sender’s address and
she was overjoyed because exactly it outlined what Swami had told her in the
dream. And she lifted the book and showed it to the audience as well. Now the
biggest question for me and Ben was who send the book to that lady even before
it was published?
Ted Henry: Yes!
Sreejith Narayan: Here I was going on saying that
I have to publish this book, do that and do this…and Bhagawan has already
published the book and send it to the person who He wanted to…So who am I?
Ted Henry: If I
were you I would want to track that lady down and look at that book ….
Sreejith Narayan: I already contacted her through
Ben but she said wait. Because she is waiting for a confirmation from Bhagawan
so that she can interact with me about the miracle. So here I am thinking that
I am doing everything and Bhagawan himself showed me, it’s a lesson to me that
I am not the doer, I have nothing to do with it. And Swami has in various ways
indicated to me I should not wait for His return idly. I should keep on doing
whatever I am supposed to do and not worry about what is going to happen in the
future and this is my Sadhana and this is my message to everybody who is
listening. That Bhagawan’s return is an understanding, it’s not a wait but just
that understanding would give an impetus to intensify our inner journey and do
it with more vigour and enthusiasm. And it will help in our journey to
formlessness because Bhagawan himself has said and outlined the kind of Sadhana
that each and every one of His devotees should do and that is what my opinion
Ted Henry: Jody
writes here that it indicates to some that you feel He did not do enough
already. Do you want to explain more about that? We have encountered people
friends of ours those who love Baba and they still believe that why not be
satisfied that He has done more than enough already. But you have already covered
it pretty well that this is about how we possibly misunderstood what He said
about His life time on this earth and that He is not done yet.
Sreejith Narayan: Bhagawan has done enough for us
and we have received His blessings. We have our Golden age right in our hearts
and this is not about us…less than one percent of the population that is now as
Sai devotees. We have to know why Bhagawan called us earlier and it’s not about
like whether Bhagawan gave something to us already. It is how we use it and how
we use it for the benefit of others. If you keep on doing this Sadhana in our
journey to formlessness, the bye product of that is the unadulterated love that
we will feel in our heart…and that that love will make you feel that each and
every body in this world should get a chance to experience Bhagawan. Exactly
the way He said. And so if we don’t feel that in our heart, then we should
question our self whether we are that far into our Sadhana in trying to achieve
the goal of formlessness.
Ted Henry: So the
question is that His return in the physical form might have far less to do with
those of us who have already been His followers than the people who have still
never heard His name who are yet to become aware of His presence among them.
Sreejith Narayan: Well, there is lot to do for us
because in Charles Penn’s message Bhagawan said each and every devotee has an
opportunity to become partners in My mission and we have to understand the
reason why Bhagawan called us earlier than many others. And if you look at it, whoever
is in this path already may not need Swami’s return. But there is an
opportunity for such devotees to become instruments in His mission. Like in
Swami’s birthdays usually hundred thousand people come, devotees gather at
Prashanthi Nilayam during Bhagawan’s birthday and at least thousand volunteers
are needed to make sure there is discipline and attend to the devotees needs. Bhagawan
says the whole world will become Prashanthi Nilayam. So wouldn’t He need at
least a few million volunteers…
Ted Henry: yeah…
Sreejith Narayan: …all over the world? And that is
the opportunity that is being presented to us.
Ted Henry: Sreejith
what keeps you going? You have got your own business, you have got a lovely
house, a beautiful family you have got much on your plate and yet the research.
A disadvantage of a video interview is we can’t get into the voluminous
research that is contained within your book. All sorts of sources backed up
with quotes and references verifying what has been said and forecast by others.
It really does bolster your case about Baba’s imminent return to the physical
form, where do you find the energy space and time for this?
Sreejith Narayan: That is a great question. And
many readers who have read this book tell me how.. I don’t even know how you
have finished this in three months. I say it’s not me, its Bhagawan. I have
hundred per cent conviction that I didn’t write this book and there are so many
things that we do as house holders and because of our work. Still Bhagawan gave
me the energy and He miraculously lead me to various sources like the nadis and
Bihar-ul Anwar…I would like to talk about the Bihar-ul anwar also little bit
after this. And these are things that just came to me rather miraculously and I
knew that Bhagawan was guiding me through all this. And after the book was
written I put my name as “S Narayan” when I released the book because I was
fully convinced it was Bhagawan who wrote the book and ‘S’ stood for Sathya and
not for Sreejith…”Sathya Narayan” which is Bhagawan’s birth name. So when the
book was released after a few days Bhagawan came to a great soul and whom I
knew through another friend and said “Ask him to put his full name in the book”.
Ted Henry: Your
full name?
Sreejith Narayan: My full name….and Bhagawan also
said “The book is My gift to him. When I give a ring or a bracelet as a gift
the devotees proudly wear them. So ask him to proudly put his name in the
book”. And that’s when I put my name in the book. And then Bhagawan came to my
Sister-in-law Mili’s dream, she was translating the book to Malayalam…and said
“That book is the wisdom that I granted to Sreejith”. He came and told this in
the dream. So she called me in one of the mornings and said. See, Bhagawan came
to me and told this in the dream… and I was so happy. Then again after a few
days..(He) again came to her in the dream and said “I did not say I granted him
the wisdom, I gifted it to him”. And He said gift a few times, He was
emphasising the point that it was a gift. So it was a gift to me from Bhagawan
but I can lay no claim to that. And I am confident that Bhagawan himself wrote
the book. And after writing the book, I was praying to Him that “Bhagawan, nobody
knows this Sreejith Narayan. I have no credibility against my name, no one
hardly knows my name. So who is going to read this book?” That’s when Bhagawan
sent me two wonderful souls, famous devotees in the Sai world to write the
foreword of the book. And I am sure you will know their names. Their names are
Jody Cleary and Ted Henry. Julie Chaudhary and Captain Shaad wrote the foreword
they are from India.
Ted Henry: I will
say Father Charles Ogada had a few kind words to say about this great book. Yet
we still have to deal with the fact you primarily that there are people who
take a defiant view point only because in their heart of hearts, I am sure they
feel, that they are protecting Baba. And again a comment and a question… my
guess is the comment is: May be most of those devotees who feel so strongly might
be older…let’s say more entrenched in baba’s fold and for their own reasons,
they are protecting His legacy, His mission, His love. They feel they have to
say this. They may not even read the book in fact my guess is that many don’t..they
have made up their minds rather quickly. But perhaps some of them might prevail
upon themselves to look at the video, it’s a little easier to read than a book,
it’s a little quicker to take it in. Take the moment you have now to speak to
them I am sure you love them no less than you love anyone else and I am sure
you don’t have any criticism about their critical views then what might you say
that is a balm to their views about this.
Sreejith Narayan: I would say that give the book
a chance. We don’t have to read the book because either you believe in Swami’s
coming back in the form or not but there are so many words so many people tell
me that I didn’t even know that Bhagawan said all those things. Bhagawan’s words
are like..the way we live our life is through Bhagawan’s words. Each and every Sai
devotee follow His words literally and we have the right to know what Bhagawan
said about various things and actually that’s one thing that could be useful if
people read this book. And also as I have put in the book already this book is
not about going after Swami’s physical form. Swami has given us plenty of
opportunities but at the same time Bhagawan’s mission still remains incomplete.
Many people tell me that now Bhagawan has left we have to take His mission
forward but even if the whole humanity joins hands and try hard we cannot even
move His mission even a millimeter forward.
Ted Henry: Jody wrote down here
quickly…all we are saying is give Sai a chance!
And she
also wrote here and see also the depths of what many people feel. The solid
truth and you do and I remember first talking to you, correct me if I am wrong,
where you were saying…lets discuss this out my hypothesis, my thesis why
shouldn’t you look at the quotes from various sources, these scholars in the
past. But you are saying quite differently now ‘He is coming back’, have you
seen your own point of view grow towards that ultimate conclusion.
Sreejith Narayan: Yes, because see it’s my view
point is and has always been just live in the present not worry about anything.
So I started out the book with that message not worry about what Bhagawan said
but the way He has lead me to various things it made me believe that Bhagawan
is going to come back.
Ted Henry: and He has
given you many Leelas…
Sreejith Narayan: Many leelas to make this happen
so it was my own… it was like Bhagawan was taking me from here to there and at
the same time Bhagawan asked me to be cautious and said “Do not love the book
more than you love me”. And Bhagawan came in my dream a few days ago and said “love
Me, love Me, love Me”. And I got the message that I should not love my work
more than I love the Lord. He is the creator, I should be after the creator not
the creation. So it’s a spiritual journey for me, it keeps me thinking about Bhagawan.
But at the same time I would like to live in the present and not worry about
what is going to happen in the future.
Ted Henry: and the
last question is what about those people since Baba’s Mahasamadhi have already
seen Him return in the physical form. Two days ago we had the great privilege
to sit and talk with and interview, Phyllis Krystal for may be the fifth time.
She is facing a hundred years of age on this earth, she is now well into her
ninety ninth year and she related very quickly going to the dentist in
Switzerland and the Swiss dentist knew nothing about Sai Baba, presumably
whatsoever, and he leaned over and asked while she was in the chair having her
teeth examined. Do you know who Sai Baba is? And she said well yes of course I
know who He is. And then he said He is sitting in the chair right here. I mean
these stories sometimes come from sources that aren’t so credible and then
sometimes come from a ninety nine year old Sai Baba devotee who is totally
credible. And the new devotees as well. We Jody and I have both encountered
people who are totally new to Baba after His Mahasamadhi to whom He has
appeared. So please conclude speaking a little bit about the part of the
prediction which has come true to many around the world that baba is already
Sreejith Narayan: Yes! Exactly, Bhagawan has
never left and Bhagawan will never leave. Bhagawan, even when He was in His body,
He was manifesting His form in various places…multiple places at the same time.
But when we talk about His reappearance, it would be an understanding that will
prevail in the entire world that He has reappeared..whether we see Bhagawan’s
form or not. It is an understanding that will prevail because only such a thing
can transform this world. If you will ask me why I was transformed…and I know
that I am a work in progress..but I know that I am much better than who I was
before. Only because I came to Bhagawan. I was a devotee of Lord Krishna and
most of the teachings that Bhagawan has been teaching I have already read in
some place or the other…in other religious texts. But I didn’t have any inner
motivation to change because there was nothing that would inspire me to change…until
I came to Bhagawan. And I knew that Bhagawan was the same Lord Krishna and the
avatar was walking amongst us. And that is the motivation, that is the
inspiration that I had to change and that is the only thing can change…Avatar’s
physical presence is the only thing that can transform this whole world. Otherwise
why Bhagawan would come in these three different avatars and descend from His Godly
being and walk with us and teach us in His form. So that is the only reason why
I believe that it will be a universal appearance. At least an understanding
that will prevail in the whole world that Swami has reappeared and that would
kick start the Golden age.
Ted Henry: Sreejith,
this has been a delight, Thank you so much for your candor, your courage it
requires some brave stature to come forth and speak as you do and have and
continue to do. Thank You so much Sai Ram!
Sreejith Narayan: Thank you… can I take a short
moment to thank…show my gratitude to Bhagawan. My heart felt gratitude to Swami
for giving me this opportunity and I also would like to extend my gratitude to
brother Ted and sister Jody for being such wonderful instruments in His divine
hands and bringing out such beautiful inspiring videos and messages of Bhagawan
and interviews. And I cannot tell you how much my family has enjoyed watching
those videos. I am so thankful. Jai Sai Ram!
Ted Henry: Jai Sai
Thanks for the youtube version
ReplyDeleteExcellent! Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou know, Sreejith... what a good surprise to watch this interview. Because you could look & feel in a "weird" way - that eventually would bring discredit to the great book and the message on it. You could speak in a strange way, or anyhow pass to us, viewers, some discomfort or unpleasant feeling.
But it is exactly the contrary! Not only the book and the message are Great, but also your interview gives even MORE credit to it. There is not a tiny manifestation of anything else than clear thoughts, clear reasoning, simplicity, joy, tranquility, calm, good feelings - I think it couldn't be better.
Not "everybody" will watch the video. Most people here does not even understand English. Unfortunately. I can't believe any one can still carry doubts after watching this interview and reading the book. It is simply shocking to my heart that so-called devotees are closed to the possibility - instead of joining with full energy and happyness in a world-wide strong prayer for Swami's return - and fulfillment of everything else it represents.
I feel such a joy reading comments here... from people from all around the world... but those who are near seem not to be capable to understand the meaning of it. They stare me with a "pity" glance - as if I was not able to cope with Swami's departure, as if I am weak, not strong enough to accept He left... :-) ...come on... they are the ones who locked themselves in a dark solidified restrict perspective... they are the ones who can't anticipate the joy and BE PART of the movement that culminates on His return!
And I say all that... and I invite every devotee to "join the party" of intense wishing Swami's return... whole-heartedly praying for it... I urge and implore: don't be so dull - WATCH the interview - READ the book - and without any restraint - CLAIM loud: "Please, Swami, do not delay - come back as soon as possible, give to the people of the world the so wanted relief and capacity to have FAITH! Make soon this splendid movement that will crack the ego and make love flourish among so many hearts which just NEED something unbelievable to start believing!"
I do all that - even accepting that it MAY NOT HAPPEN. You see? I am not affirming that myself, in some kind of "superiority", have the "superior wisdom", and that "I KNOW" something WILL HAPPEN or WILL NOT HAPPEN. No... it is a POSSIBILITY... understand?
But, hey, WHY don't you join us on this Swami call? Have you ever thought that maybe you are the one "playing superior" when you deny what you don't even want to acknowledge?
I do not know anyone who have seen the video and read the book who are not in eager expectation - with a heart full of joy, love, enthusiasm, and dettachment also - because it is Swami's Will that will decide.
I only know people who "don't believe", but they don't even know what they "don't believe" - because they have NOT read the book yet.
Thank you.
J. Bruni - Brazil
Sairam JB, Really appreciate your sincere views and comments.Thank you for all the support as always.
Deletelife is a dream, realize it - says Baba. Our existence alternates between dreams and reality. while there is no collective dream for us other than the ever changing wakeful state we share,, there is single common changeless reality to which we individually wake up to. perhaps Swami is doing this by His early leaving the body. Any way lets wait and watch faithfully.....
ReplyDeleteSai Ram. Thanks for this posting of the interview video. I was able to see it on Vimeo but it's nice to have it here and to have all the words transcribed to be read. As Sentindo Bem (J Bruni) commented above, this interview underscores the credibility and cool-headed, yet faith-filled credibility of Sreejith Narayan, the author of SAI THY KINGDOM COME.
ReplyDeleteI agree whole-heartedly with Narayan's comment in the interview that the Return to which he refers is not the occasional individual appearances that Swami has lovingly granted to lucky souls, but a universal sustained appearance/resurrection that will be acknowledged by all people, Sai devotees AND all others alike. And that a Miracle of such Magnitude is what is needed to turn the hearts of the majority of people (who have accepted the God-less worldview that prevails on earth today and has prevailed for many decades) GOD-WARD. What an amazing feat that will be. Jai Sai Ma!!!
~Susan Iris
The most outstanding thing about this interview, other than the topic at hand, is Sreejith's character. A spiritually pure based and infused character is of utmost importance. Baba says, many believe knowledge is power, but it is not so, it is character that is power.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, brother!